Powers of Space Ghost

Power Rays

  1. antimatter ray
  2. battering ram ray
  3. destroy ray
  4. destroyer ray
  5. destructo ray
  6. electro-shock ray
  7. energy bolt
  8. energy force
  9. energy ray
  10. force ray
  11. force field ray
  12. freeze ray
  13. hammer ray
  14. heat force
  15. heat intensifier ray
  16. heat ray
  17. laser beam
  18. locking ray
  19. magnetic ray
  20. megaton force
  21. negatron ray
  22. pile-driver ray
  23. reversing force ray
  24. scatter ray
  25. sonic ray
  26. sonic vibro-ray
  27. stun ray
  28. thrust ray
  29. whip ray

Miscellaneous Powers

  1. [ability to survive in space]
  2. [flight]
  3. force field
  4. freeze field
  5. heat shield
  6. hyperspeed
  7. hypno force will power
  8. ice force field
  9. inviso-power
  10. super speed
  11. [super strength]
  12. viso-penetron beam


  1. Phantom Cruiser (a.k.a. Ghost Ship)
  2. space coupe (used by Jan, Jace, and Blip)

Base of Operations

  1. Ghost Planet

Compiled by Gordon A. Cooper.