A Glossary of Epithets, Expletives, Imprecations, Oaths, and Other Irreverent or Inappropriate Words and Phrases,
A Lexicon of Speculative Foul Language
In alphabetical order
- Andraste's ass
- interj [Dragon Age: Redemption (Web series)]
- expletive; exclaimed by Tallis
- arsegike
- n [2000 AD (comic)]
- euphemism for "arsehole"
- Asura
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- a deity worshipped primarily in Vendhya; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- Attercop
- n [The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien]
- epithet used to denote one who is a spider; "...no spider has ever liked being called Attercop."
- Bachman Turner Overdrive
- interj [The Tick (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the name of a music group; exclaimed by The Tick
- backrocket
- adj [Death Star by Michael Reeves and Steve Perry]
- backwards, primitive
- bafflegab
- n [Doctor Who (television)]
- nonsense, prattle, balderdash; used in the episode "The Pirate Planet"
- balls of minotaur
- interj [Lost Girl (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Trick
- Balzac
- interj [Get Smart (film)]
- exclamation; derived from the name of French novelist Honoré de Balzac
- bambo
- n [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- epithet used to denote one who is stupid; derived from "bimbo"
- bantha breath
- n [Jedi Quest: The Dangerous Game by Jude Watson]
- derogatory term; derived from the name of a large domesticated animal native to Tatooine
- bartantic
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- expletive, as in "Listen, you bartantic bitch." —Rygel
- bastich
- n [Judge Dredd (comic); Lobo (comic)]
- combination of "bastard" and "bitch"
- bat bladders
- interj [Jane & the Dragon (television, animated)]
- expletive
- beef-witted extra-twatestrial
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial
- Beelzebub
- interj [I Married a Witch (film)]
- a mild oath; derived from the name of a devil, which was in turn derived from the name of a Philistine god
- Belgium
- n [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- a profanity forbidden throughout most of the galaxy
- belushi
- n [Rick and Morty (television, animated]
- derogatory term; used by Rick in reference to the violent inhabitants of Kazorpalorp
- binary brain
- n [Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (film)]
- android; used disparagingly; used in reference to Info
- biscuits
- interj [Bluey (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath
- bit brain
- n [Tron (film)]
- derogatory term: simpleton, fool
- bitca
- n [Buffy the Vampire Slayer (television)]
- accidental alteration of "bitch"
- blankie; blanky
- n [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who lacks dots on one's skin; used frequently in the episode "Polka Dot Years"
- blast off
- v [Space Patrol (television)]
- imprecation equivalent to "get out" or "scram"
- bleep; bleeped; bleeping
- n/v/adj/adv/interj [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- universal expletive and imprecation
- blistering bat rays
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- blistering bed bugs
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- blood traitor
- n [Harry Potter novels of J.K. Rowling]
- one who is sympathetic to Muggles (nonmagical persons) or the Muggle-born; used disparagingly
- blotching
- adj/adv [Farscape (television)]
- expletive; used as an intensive
- blue-veined cock of the void
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial
- boink off
- v [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- imprecation; used by Fi against Lyra in the episode "Fi Am Woman"
- bojo
- n [Back to the Future Part II (film)]
- derogatory term: stupid person
- boll-yotz
- n/interj [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- boney
- n [Babylon 5 (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Minbari
- Boray
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- primitive alien species native to Sectar; used disparagingly as in the phrase, "...I was cast out and put here among the Borays of humanity."
- bouncy joseph
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial
- bowb; bowbed; bowbing
- n/v/adj/adv/interj [Bill the Galactic Hero by Harry Harrison]
- usually vulgar: universal expletive and imprecation
- bowbidy-bowb
- interj [Bill the Galactic Hero by Harry Harrison]
- usually vulgar: universal expletive and imprecation
- bowbing
- adj/adv [Bill the Galactic Hero by Harry Harrison]
- usually vulgar: used as an intensive
- brainbolted
- adj [Legacy of the Force: Inferno by Troy Denning]
- dim; unthinking
- Bram Stoker's widow
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- exclamation; a reference to the wife of Irish novelist Bram Stoker (author of Dracula), who ordered all copies of the film Nosferatu to be destroyed
- bratchny
- n [A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess]
- Nadsat term: bastard
- bread balls
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- expletive exclaimed by the Ice King/Simon Petrikov
- breath of Issus
- interj [Martian Tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- buckethead
- n [Legacy of the Force: Invincible by Troy Denning]
- derogatory term: Mandalorian soldier
- buckethead
- n [Robot Holocaust (film)]
- derogatory term: robot
- bugger
- n [Legacy of the Force: Invincible by Troy Denning]
- derogatory term: Geonosian
- bullet-head
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term: Cylon Centurion
- bull frell
- n/interj [Farscape (television)]
- euphemism for "bullshit" or "bollocks"
- bullgunk
- n/interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- euphemism for bovine excrement
- bull-hugging
- adj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- expletive; used in the phrase, "Lousy bull-hugging thieves!" —Starbuck (in the episode "The Magnificent Warriors")
- bumblefluff
- n [Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor by Matthew Stover]
- nonsense
- bush
- adj [Doctor Who (television)]
- crazy; used in the phrase, "He must have gone bush." —Erak (in the episode "The Sontaran Experiment")
- butterdigitals
- n [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- euphemism for "butterfingers" meaning one who is clumsy; uttered by Fi against Fum in the episode "Get a Dorse"
- by all the letters of the alphabet
- interj [Inkheart by Cornelia Funke]
- used to express surprise
- by all the rings of Saturn
- interj [Assignment Outer Space (film)]
- used to express surprise
- by Crom
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- the chief god of the Cimmerians; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by Eternia
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- by gargoyle
- interj [Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot (television)]
- used as a mild oath by members of the villainous Gargoyle Gang
- by Gemini
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed in the episode "My Fair Robot"
- by Gene Roddenberry's ghost
- interj [Level Up (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the name of American television producer and screenwriter Gene Roddenberry, best known as the creator of Star Trek; exclaimed by Wyatt in the episode "Heckfire Tiger"
- by Gideon's trumpet
- interj [Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (television)]
- used to express surprise
- by Grud
- interj [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- legally permitted mild oath also used to express surprise
- by Jupiter
- interj [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- used to express surprise
- by Lord Vimuhla's Fire
- interj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- used as a mild oath (a reference to one of the Five Gods of Change)
- by Lord Vimuhla's Three Tongues of Flame
- interj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- used as a mild oath (a reference to one of the Five Gods of Change)
- by Mars
- interj [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- used to express surprise
- by Mitra
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- a god of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by my first ancestor
- interj [Martian Tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- used as a mild oath
- by my grandfather's beard
- interj [She-Ra: Princess of Power (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath; exclaimed by Bow
- by Set
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- a god of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; also a god of ancient Egypt
- by Tao
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic; film; television)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by Tao's big toe
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Captain Sudin
- by Tao's blood
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Captain Sunol
- by Tao's death
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Colonel Mogard
- by Tao's ears
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Hawkon
- by Tao's eyes
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Hawkon
- by Tao's fist
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Gian
- by Tao's pink whiskers
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Ergon
- by Tao's toenails
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by Tao's toes
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Fierro
- by Tao's whiskers
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by the Ancients
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- by the clouds of Venus
- interj [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet]
- used to express surprise
- by the craters of Luna
- interj [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet]
- used to express surprise
- by the dark spirits
- interj [Thundarr the Barbarian (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by an evil wizard in the episode "City of Evil"
- by the Egg
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by the Egg of Faranth
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- used as a mild oath or express surprise
- by the Emperor's beard
- interj [Flash Gordon (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by the Fiery Flame
- interj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- used as a mild oath (a reference to Lord Vimuhla, "the Master of Flame and one of the Tlokiriqaluyal, the Five Gods of Change")
- by the first Egg
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by the Flame Lord
- interj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- used as a mild oath (a reference to Lord Vimuhla, "the Master of Flame and one of the Tlokiriqaluyal, the Five Gods of Change")
- by the flaming beard of Hippocrates
- interj [Lost in Space (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Dr. Zachary Smith
- by the Fortieth Aspect
- interj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- used as a mild oath (a reference to Lord Vimuhla, "the Master of Flame and one of the Tlokiriqaluyal, the Five Gods of Change")
- by the Goddess
- interj [Farscape (television)]
- deity of the Delvians; used to express surprise
- by the gods of Mongo
- interj [Flash Gordon (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by the grace of Eternia
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- by the great Dog Star
- interj [Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (film)]
- used as a mild oath; a reference to the star Sirius, located in the constellation Canis Major; exclaimed by a Martian
- by the Great God Tao
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic; film; television)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- (rhymes with "mayo")
- by the Great Parrot of Hades
- interj [Doctor Who (television)]
- used as a mild oath; exclaimed in the episode "The Pirate Planet"
- by the Lillium moons
- interj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed in the episode "The Man With Nine Lives"
- by the Mist Demons
- interj [Ringworld by Larry Niven]
- used to express surprise
- by the moons of Jupiter
- interj [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet]
- used to express surprise
- by the mother of the nearest moon
- [Martian Tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- used as a mild oath
- by the power of Grayskull
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (toy; comic; film; television, animated), Hot Fuzz (film)]
- used to express surprise (by characters in the film Hot Fuzz); derived from an exclamation used by He-Man whenever he invokes his power
- by the rings of Saturn
- interj [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet]
- used to express surprise
- by the second star
- interj [Tinker Bell (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath
- by the shards of my dragon's egg
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- by the sky demon; by the beard of the sky demon; by the blood of the sky demon; by the curved fangs of the sky demon; by the left frontal lobe of the sky demon; by the raging fury of the sky demon
- interj [Doctor Who (television)]
- used as a mild oath; exclaimed in the episode "The Pirate Planet"
- by the Sword of Karakan
- interj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- used as a mild oath (a reference to Lord Karakan, one of the Five Gods of Stability)
- by the Three Fingers of the Flame
- interj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- used as a mild oath (a reference to Lord Vimuhla, "the Master of Flame and one of the Tlokiriqaluyal, the Five Gods of Change")
- by Ymir
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- a god of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- b'zugda hiara
- n [Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett]
- Dwarfish derogatory term: lawn ornament
- cagal
- [The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted by Harry Harrison]
- universal expletive
- calot
- n [Martian Tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- a ten-legged beast with a froglike mouth regarded by the green men of Barsoom as dogs are regarded by the people of Earth; used disparagingly
- Captain Kirk's nipples
- interj [Land of the Lost (film)]
- used to express surprise; probably derived from the tendency of Captain Kirk to get his shirt torn in a scuffle in Star Trek (the original show)
- carbon flush
- interj [Emmissary of the Void by Greg Keyes]
- exclamation
- censored
- n/v/adj/adv/interj [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- universal expletive and imprecation
- chin lord
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial, esp. a Bulaagh
- chinster pasty
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial, esp. a Bulaagh
- chitin-brain
- n [Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor by Matthew Stover]
- epithet used to denote one who possesses a chitinous exoskeleton
- Chlen-brained
- adj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- possessing the intelligence of a Chlen-beast, a domesticated beast in the world of Tékumel
- Chlen-shit
- n [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- usually vulgar: the feces of a Chlen-beast, a domesticated beast in the world of Tékumel
- Chlen-turd
- n [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- usually vulgar: a piece of the fecal matter of a Chlen-beast, a domesticated beast in the world of Tékumel
- Chocoholics Anonymous
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- chongo-longo
- [The Pirates of Dark Water (television, animated)]
- expletive
- chrome job
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term: Cylon Centurion
- chuff-sucking leech
- n ["Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees," (Tales From Jabba's Palace) by Deborah Wheeler]
- derogatory term
- chutes and ladders
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the children's board game Chutes and Ladders (also known as Snakes and Ladders)
- chutes and satellites
- interj [Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (television)]
- exclamation
- circuit brain
- n [Cybergirl (television)]
- derogatory term
- clanker
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term: Cylon Centurion
- clusterfrak
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- colossal foul-up; extraordinary snafu
- cotton-headed ninny-muggins
- n [Elf (film)]
- derogatory term used by Christmas elves
- cow
- n [The Road to the Rim by A. Bertram Chandler]
- Rimworldsese derogatory term applicable to both sexes
- cowpog
- n [Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer]
- Gnommish derogatory term: moron
- crabapples
- inter [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- expletive
- crackdust
- n/interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- nonsense
- cram
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- expletive
- cramp
- n [Level Up (television)]
- derogatory term
- crampwad
- n [Level Up (television)]
- derogatory term
- crank
- [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- crasoney
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term; used in the phrase, "You dirty, rotten crasoneys!" —Boomer (in the episode "The Magnificent Warriors")
- crimey
- interj [Legacy of the Force: Tempest by Troy Denning]
- a mild oath
- crink
- [Allegiance by Timothy Zahn]
- expletive commonly used by pirates of the Outer Rim
- crinking
- [Allegiance by Timothy Zahn]
- expletive; used as an intensive
- Crom
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- the chief god of the Cimmerians; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- Crom's devils
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- Crom, Ymir, and Mitra
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- gods of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- dag
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- exclamation
- dag
- interj [Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction (comic)]
- exclamation
- daggit
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- dog; used disparagingly
- daggit dribble
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- lie; falsehood
- d'arvit
- interj [Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer]
- Gnommish expletive
- deadglow
- n [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- numbskull
- demon dogs
- interj [Thundarr the Barbarian (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Thundarr
- demons of darkness
- interj [Thundarr the Barbarian (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Thundarr
- Denebian slime devil
- n [Star Trek (television)]
- an animal native to the Deneb system; used disparagingly; used by a Klingon in reference to Captain James T. Kirk in the episode "The Trouble with Tribbles"
- devil's beard
- interj [Thundarr the Barbarian (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed in the episode "Last Train to Doomsday"
- devils of hell
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- devil's thumbs
- interj [Doctor Who (television)]
- expletive; exclaimed in the episode "The Pirate Planet"
- ding dong ditcher
- n [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- derogatory term
- dingle
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath; used in the expression "Oh, dingle."
- dinglord
- n [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- derogatory term
- dingo kidneys
- n [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- as in "I don't give a load of dingo kidneys."
- Dink
- n [Planet Earth (television)]
- term used in the Confederacy of Ruth to denote one who is a man (and therefore a slave)
- Doellin's Triple Teats
- interj ["Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees," (Tales From Jabba's Palace) by Deborah Wheeler]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; a referrence to the Gran goddess
- dog-brother
- n [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- derogatory term; possible euphemism for "son of a bitch"
- dolly
- n [Humans (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a synthetic
- dot off
- v [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- imprecation; uttered by Mr. Moo in the episode "Polka Dot Years"
- dozer
- n [I Am Mother (film)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a droid
- dragon
- n [Doctor Who (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Draconian in the episode "Frontier in Space"
- drannit
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- draz
- [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- dren
- n/interj [Farscape (television)]
- excrement
- driblocks
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- dridgenaut
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- drokk; drokked; drokking
- n/v/interj [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- legally permitted universal expletive and imprecation; also used to express surprise
- drokking
- adj/adv [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- used as an intensive
- dry-foot; pl dry-foots
- n [Doctor Who (television)]
- epithet used by swamp-dwelling natives of Delta Magna or Delta Three to denote one who is a human in the episode "The Power of Kroll"
- dunsel
- n [Star Trek (television)]
- used dispagingly; in the episode "The Ultimate Computer," Dr. McCoy asks Spock the meaning of the word after Capt. Kirk is referred to as "Captain Dunsel" by Commodore Wesley. Spock replies, "'Dunsel' is a term used by midshipmen at Star Fleet Academy. It refers to a part which serves no useful purpose."
- dup
- [The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You! by Harry Harrison]
- "...the most insulting word in Blodgett slang."
- dwang
- n [Republic Commando: Triple Zero by Karen Traviss]
- excrement
- e chu ta
- [The Empire Strikes Back (film)]
- used as an insult or rude comment; uttered by a droid
- Earth
- n [Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov]
- a term considered profane by the Comporellians
- earthbag
- n [Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (film)]
- epithet used to denote a human who was born on Earth
- Earthie
- n [Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (film)]
- epithet used to denote a human who was born on Earth
- Earth trash
- n [Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (television)]
- Draconian epithet used to denote one who is an Earthling
- eema
- n [Farscape (television)]
- posterior; "ass"
- embleer
- adj [Watership Down by Richard Adams]
- stinking
- evanescence
- interj [Lost Girl (television)]
- expletive; exclaimed by Vex; derived from the name of the band Evanescence
- equinus' atrum
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- euphemism for "horse's ass"; as in "I'm beginning to feel like an equinus' atrum." —Apollo
- exclamation
- interj [Level Up (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; used in the expression "Oh, exclamation!"
- eyes without a face
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the 1960 French film Eyes Without a Face (Les Yeux sans visage)
- fahrbot
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- crazy
- fa-pu-ta
- interj [Farscape (television)]
- exclamation
- fardles
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- expletive
- fardling
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- expletive
- farko
- n [Farscape (television)]
- nonsense
- father
- n [Brave New World by Aldous Huxley]
- a term considered obscene
- father of dung beetles
- interj [The Man of Gold by M.A.R. Barker]
- exclamation
- Feetal's Gizz
- interj [Lobo (comic)]
- expletive
- fek
- interj [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- fekkik
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: fool; twit
- feldergarb
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- slang: feces; euphemism for "crap"
- felger
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- diminutive of felgercarb
- felgercarb
- see feldergarb
- fewmets
- n [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- dragon feces
- fiddle-fatty
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- nonsense; euphemism for "fiddle-faddle"; exclaimed by Governor Girth in the episode "Fat Is Beautiful"
- fight
- n/v [This Perfect Day by Ira Levin]
- a term considered obscene
- Finagle
- n [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- possible euphemism for "God"; used in expressions such as "Finagle only knows" and "for Finagle's sake"
- Finagle's ears
- interj [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- expletive
- Finagle's fist
- interj [Ringworld by Larry Niven]
- expletive
- Finagle's gonads
- interj [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- expletive
- Finagle's heavy hand
- interj [Ringworld by Larry Niven]
- expletive
- fire and brimstone
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise and consternation at the sight of someone smoking inside Middleman Headquarters
- Flame-accursed
- adj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- probably a euphemism for "damned"
- Flame-burned
- adj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- probably a euphemism for "damned"
- the Flame burn it all
- interj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- probably a euphemism for "damn it"
- Flame-damned
- adj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- expletive
- Flame-scorched
- adj [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- probably a euphemism for "damned"
- flaming moons of Hell
- interj [Doctor Who (television)]
- used as a mild oath; exclaimed in the episode "The Pirate Planet"
- flamingo
- v [Red Dwarf (television)]
- "I flamingoed up... It's like a cock up, only much, much bigger." —Holly
- flaming thunderbolts
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- used as a mild oath; exclaimed by Dr. "Tiger" Ninestein
- flark
- interj [various Marvel comics]
- a kind of parasite; used as an expletive
- flowers for Algernon
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from Flowers for Algernon, a short story (and later a novel) by Daniel Keyes
- flup
- n [The Ringworld Engineers by Larry Niven]
- On Ringworld: seabottom ooze; used as an expletive
- Ford
- n [Brave New World by Aldous Huxley]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; derived from the surname of American industrialist Henry Ford
- fork
- n/v/interj [The Good Place (television)]
- mandatory euphemism for "fuck"
- forking
- adj/adv [The Good Place (television)]
- used as an intensive; mandatory euphemism for "fucking"
- for Sagan's sake
- [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- euphemism for "for God's sake"; derived from the surname of Carl Sagan, the host of Cosmos
- for space sake
- [Terrahawks (television, puppets)
- euphemism for "for God's sake"
- frack; fracked; fracking
- n/v/interj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- universal expletive and imprecation
- fracking
- adj/adv [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- used as an intensive
- frakk; frakked; frakking
- see frack
- frakking
- see fracking
- frakwad
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term
- frag; fragged; fragging
- n/v/interj [Babylon 5 (television); Lobo (comic)]
- universal expletive and imprecation
- fragging
- adj/adv [Babylon 5 (television); Lobo (comic)]
- used as an intensive
- fragments of moonrock
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- frag off
- v [Babylon 5 (television)]
- scram
- frakker
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- vulgar: derogatory term
- frax
- v [Farscape (television)]
- imprecation (probably vulgar)
- freaking bing bong
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- expletive
- freezing Jupiter
- interj [Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (television)]
- used to express surprise
- frek
- n/v [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- frek face
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- frell
- n/v/interj [Farscape (television)]
- universal expletive and imprecation; also used in expressions such as "Frell you!" and "Frell off!"
- frelling
- adj/adv [Farscape (television)]
- used as an intensive
- frelling brazma
- interj [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- frellnik
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- malodorous; foul-smelling
- frellwit
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: idiot
- frelnik
- see frellnik
- frimp
- [I Will Fear No Evil by Robert A. Heinlein]
- a term considered obscene
- frimp
- n [Galactica 1980 (television)]
- derogatory term: dope, dummy
- Frithrah
- n [Watership Down by Richard Adams]
- the lord Sun; used interjectionally
- frizz
- [Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno]
- expletive commonly used by smugglers of the Old Republic
- frodank
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- stupid
- froth-mouth
- n [Farscape (television)]
- lunatic
- funt
- n [Sinister & Dexter; 2000 AD (comic)]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term
- funtwipe
- n [Sinister & Dexter; 2000 AD (comic)]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term
- furniture
- n [Soylent Green (film)]
- derogatory term for women
- futz
- interj [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- exclamatory use of the slang intransitive verb
- futz
- n [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- possible euphemism used in expressions such as "get us the futz out of here" and "How the futz would I know?"
- futzy
- adj/adv [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- expletive
- galaxy
- interj [Foundation novels of Isaac Asimov]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- galaxy
- interj [Quark (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; also used in expressions such as "Oh, galaxy!" and "Oh, my galaxy!"
- gall-monging
- adj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- expletive
- galloping galaxies
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- galloping garden spiders
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- galloping tarantulas
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- gaping chasms
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Yung-Star
- garanta's brax
- n [Farscape (television)]
- as in "I don't give a garanta's brax!"
- genderless sky numpty
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial
- Ghent
- n [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- a term considered obscene
- ghosts of the living
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- exclamation and description of a specific event
- gimbo
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- derogatory term; probably a variation of gimboid or vice versa
- gimboid
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- derogatory term: incompetent; loser
- gleebo
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: fool; twit
- glittering galaxies
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Danavas
- Glob
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; used in expressions such as "Oh, Glob!" and "Oh, my Glob!"; derived from the name of the four-headed deity Grob Gob Glob Grod
- Gob
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; used in expressions such as "Oh, Gob!" and "Oh, my Gob!"; derived from the name of the four-headed deity Grob Gob Glob Grod
- go blow your jets
- v [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet (television)]
- imprecation
- Gob slops
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath; derived from the name of the four-headed deity Grob Gob Glob Grod
- gob smack it
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- euphemism for "God damn it"
- gods and devils
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- goit
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- derogatory term: git
- golly galaxy
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "Planet of Lookalikes"
- golly old Gemini
- interj (Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (television)]
- exclamation
- gol-monging
- see gall-monging
- good Glob
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; derived from the name of the four-headed deity Grob Gob Glob Grod
- good gravity
- interj [Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed in the episode "Heart of the Storm"
- good Llyr
- interj [The Castle of Llyr by Lloyd Alexander]
- used to express mild surprise or shock; exclaimed by Queen Teleria
- goohulog
- adj [Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett]
- Trollish swearword
- goontoad
- n [Blackstar (television, animated)]
- derogatory term
- go rust yourself
- v [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- imprecation used against Cylons; uttered in the episode "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero"
- gorram
- adj [Firefly (television)]
- euphemism for "God-damned"
- grapes of wrath
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from The Grapes of Wrath, a novel by John Steinbeck, derived in turn from a line in the song, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Julia Ward Howe
- great arachnids
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- great balls of ice
- interj [Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World (television)]
- used to express surprise in reference to a "meteor" that was causing an unnatural drop in temperature in the episode "Ice Age"
- Great Barrier Reef
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- great Belin
- inter [The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fflewddur Fflam
- great bouncing icebergs
- interj [Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Yukon Cornelius
- great Caesar's break room
- interj [The Tick (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by The Tick
- great Caesar's ghost
- interj [Superman (comic/television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; frequently exclaimed by Perry White, editor of The Daily Planet; derived from Julius Caesar, a play by William Shakespeare (the expression predates Superman, but is included for novelty's sake)
- great Elders
- interj [Shazam (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the Elders (Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury) who granted Captain Marvel his powers; exclaimed by Mentor
- great galaxies
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Danavas
- great galaxies
- interj [Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed in the episode "Tapestry"
- great galaxy
- interj [Space Ghost (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Space Ghost
- great galloping galaxies
- interj [The Tomorrow People (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by The Mama in the episode "A Man for Emily"
- great galloping ghosts
- interj [Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed in the episode "Endgame"
- great gobs of goo
- interj [The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Bullwinkle
- great guns
- interj [The Tick (television)]
- exclamation; exclaimed by The Tick
- great hearts of palm
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- great integrated circuits
- interj [Star Odyssey (film)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Tilk, a robot
- great jumping hoggernauts
- inter [She-Ra: Princess of Power (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed in the episode "The Red Knight"
- great Jupiter
- interj [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet (television)]
- used to express surprise
- great Krypton
- interj [Superman (comic)]
- used to express surprise; a reference to the planet of Superman's birth
- Great Lakes
- interj [The Tick (television)]
- exclamation; derived from the collective name of the five largest lakes in North America (Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior); exclaimed by The Tick
- great molten boulders
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Yung-Star
- great mountains of dust
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Yung-Star
- great North Star
- interj [The Year Without a Santa Claus (television, animated)]
- exclamation; exclaimed by Santa Claus
- great Oceans
- interj [Mary Poppins Opens the Door by P.L. Travers]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by the Sea-Trout
- great Sagar
- interj [Blackstar (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; a reference to the planet on which Blackstar is set
- great Santini
- interj [The Tick (television)]
- exclamation; exclaimed by The Tick
- great Scott
- interj [Superman (comic)]
- used to express surprise; frequently exclaimed by Superman; derived from the surname of U.S. General Winfield Scott (the expression predates Superman, but is included for novelty's sake)
- great spiders' webs
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by the Spider King
- great spiderwebs
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- great steaming lava
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Yung-Star
- great steaming mounds of dust
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- used as a mild oath; exclaimed by Yung-Star
- great Tao
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- (rhymes with "mayo")
- great tribes of Gondor
- interj [The Brak Show (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Thundercleese, Brak's neighbor
- great Xoanon
- interj [Doctor Who (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the name of an insane supercomputer believed to be a god; exclaimed by Leela in the episode "The Face of Evil"
- greebol
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: fool; twit
- green-blooded
- adj [Star Trek (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Vulcan
- grexnix
- [2000 AD (comic)]
- used by the fictional editor, Tharg the Mighty
- grimmit
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: coward
- gris
- n [Farscape (television)]
- excrement
- gritsucker
- n [Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Dwarf
- Grod
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; used in expressions such as "Oh, my Grod!"; derived from the name of the four-headed deity Grob Gob Glob Grod
- grolash
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: fool
- groophar
- [Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett]
- Trollish swearword
- Grosh
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- euphemism for "gosh"; used in the expression "Oh, my Grosh!"
- grot
- interj [Quark (television)]
- expletive
- grotless
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- witless
- Grud
- interj [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- legally permitted mild oath also used to express surprise
- grup
- n [Star Trek (television)]
- an adult; alteration of "grown-up"; used disparagingly by the natives of a planet geologically identical to Earth in the episode "Miri"
- guns of Navarone
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from The Guns of Navarone, a novel by Alistair MacLean
- gwenlan
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- derogatory term
- Hades hole
- n/interj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- expletive (euphemism for "Hell"?)
- halls of Montezuma
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from The Halls of Montezuma, a film, derived in turn from a line in "Semper Fidelis," a song by John Philip Sousa
- hands across America
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from a charitable event called "Hands Across America" symbolized by a human chain extending from coast to coast
- harpooda
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- hawks of the Luftwaffe
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- heavens to Beelzebub
- interj [Lidsville (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Horatio J. HooDoo
- helium head
- n [The Wild, Wild Planet (film)]
- derogatory term: idiot
- helium-headed
- adj [The Wild, Wild Planet (film)]
- idiotic
- hell's devils
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- herbert
- n [Star Trek (television)]
- epithet used by space hippies to denote one who is "square" in the episode "The Way to Eden"
- Hezmana
- n/interj [Farscape (television)]
- Luxan word for "Hell"
- hingemot
- n [Farscape (television)]
- fool
- hippikaloric
- [Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum]
- allegedly a swearword (according to the Nomes)
- holy Aladdin
- interj [Lidsville (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Weenie the Genie
- holy bags
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- holy bagumba
- interj [Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo]
- used to express surprise
- holy chivalry
- interj [Level Up (television)]
- used to express surprise
- holy coinkydink
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise — somewhat sarcastically; exclaimed by Wendy Watson; "coinkydink" (corresponding to "coincidence") may have originated with the comic strip character Popeye the Sailor created by E.C. Segar
- holy crap on a stick
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Wendy Watson
- holy electrodes
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fi in the episode "Land of the Talking Plants"
- holy flippin' flap
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Princess Bubblegum
- holy flurking schnit
- interj [The Simpsons (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- holy forking shirtballs
- interj [The Good Place (television)]
- used to express surprise
- holy frack
- interj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- an extension of frack; used to express surprise
- holy gerkin pickles
- interj [The Brak Show (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Brak
- holy Houdini
- interj [Lidsville (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Horatio J. HooDoo
- holy humanoids
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "Fat Is Beautiful"
- holy Hyperion
- interj [Captain Video and His Video Rangers (television)]
- used to express surprise
- holy jumping bananas
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- holy Kill Bill Volume 2
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Wendy Watson; derived from the American film Kill Bill Volume 2
- holy lizards
- interj [Lexx (television)]
- a mild oath; possibly refers to the Cluster lizards used for the execution of heretics in the Light Universe
- holy megatons
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "Fi Am Woman"
- holy oscillator
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "Where Did Everybody Go?"
- holy ravioli
- interj [The Tick (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by The Tick
- holy shmow
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- euphemism for "holy cow"
- holy slug
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- holy Transylvania
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Dr. Frankenstein XIII in the episode "Transylvania 2300"
- holy unanticipated occurrences
- interj [Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo]
- used to express surprise
- holy Zarquon's singing fish
- interj [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- exclamation
- holy zodiac
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "The Laughing Years"
- hopping hop toads
- interj [Dino Boy (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Dino Boy
- hot cram
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Joshua
- hot flaming pork buns
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- hot 'lanta
- interj [The Tick (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from "Hot 'lanta," a song by the Allman Brothers; exclaimed by The Tick
- hot rockets
- interj [Space Patrol (television)]
- exclamation
- house of pancakes
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; probably derived from the name of a chain of restaurants (International House of Pancakes)
- how in space fire...
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief
- hraka
- n [Watership Down by Richard Adams]
- feces; used as an insult with the word silflay (meaning literally "to feed outside" or loosely "to eat"), as in "Silflay hraka!"
- Hu-bat
- n [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- derogatory term; an animal in the world of Tékumel
- humpty head
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial
- Huttwash
- n [Dark Nest: The Swarm War by Troy Denning]
- nonsense; euphemism for "hogwash" (and therefore noncomplimentary to Hutts)
- imbedolt
- n [Level Up (television)]
- combination of "imbecile" and "dolt"
- in the name of the Seven Gods
- interj [Star Trek (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath; exclaimed by Lara, a human from a probably non-Federation planet in the episode "Jihad"
- I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle
- [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- in English, a harmless statement; "in the Vl'hurg tongue... the most dreadful insult imaginable"
- Ishtar
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- a goddess of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; also a goddess of ancient Babylonia and Assyria
- Ishtar, Mitra, and Set
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- gods of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- Issus
- interj [Martian Tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- a sacred river on Barsoom representing the passage to the afterlife; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- Jefferson
- interj [Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (film)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- Jefferson's jellies
- interj [Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (film)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- jenga-leng
- [The Pirates of Dark Water (television, animated)]
- expletive
- Jimmy crack corn
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from "Jim Crack Corn; or, The Blue Tail Fly," a song by Daniel Decatur Emmett
- jitat
- [The Pirates of Dark Water (television, animated)]
- expletive
- joojooflop
- [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- expletive
- Jovis
- n/interj [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- euphemism for "Jesus" or serving a similar purpose
- jump a lizard
- v [Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (film)]
- imprecation equivalent to "jump in a lake"
- jumping asteroids
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Commander Stickler in the episode "Androids Come Home"
- jumping bananas
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping flamesnakes
- interj [Blackstar (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping frostberries
- interj [Blackstar (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping generators
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "Valley of the Chickaphants"
- jumping gumbos
- interj [Blackstar (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping Jellyfish
- interj [Mary Poppins Opens the Door by P.L. Travers]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by the Haddock
- jumping jelly sandwiches
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Governor Girth in the episode "Fat Is Beautiful"
- jumping jets
- interj [Captain Video and His Video Rangers (television)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping jetstreams
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "Where Did Everybody Go?"
- jumping Jupiter
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Orko and Prince Adam
- jumping Jupiter
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fi in the episode "The Tiny Years"
- jumping Jupiter
- interj [Tarantula (film)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping Jupiter
- interj [The Tomorrow People (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by The Mama in the episode "A Man for Emily"
- jumping Jupiters
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "Fi Am Woman"
- jumping moon gems
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- jumping satellites
- interj (Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (television)]
- exclamation
- jumping spacebats
- interj [Quark (television)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping space cats
- interj [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping space fish
- interj [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- used to express surprise
- jumping spider eggs
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- jumping spiders
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- jumping spiderwebs
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- juxt
- interj [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- kark
- n/interj [I Will Fear No Evil by Robert A. Heinlein]
- expletive
- khadassa
- interj [Deryni novels of Katherine Kurtz]
- exclamation
- khan
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- kinkoid
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- weird; crazy; kinky
- Kippers and Catfish
- interj [Mary Poppins Opens the Door by P.L. Travers]
- used to express exasperation; exclaimed by the Deep-Sea Salmon
- kiss my Asimov
- v [The Middleman (television)]
- euphemism for "kiss my ass"; derived from the surname of writer Isaac Asimov and uttered by a malfunctioning Ida when reminded of one of the "Laws of Robotics" (as described by Asimov in I, Robot)
- klono
- n/interj [Lensmen novels of E.E. "Doc" Smith]
- used as a mild oath
- knee-biter
- n [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- derogatory term
- knuckle-dragger
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term: deckhand; mechanic
- krastic
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- weird
- kriff; kriffed; kriffing
- n/v/interj [Vision of the Future by Timothy Zahn]
- universal expletive and imprecation
- kriffing
- adj/adv [Vision of the Future by Timothy Zahn]
- used as an intensive
- kronk that
- v [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- imprecation; probably a euphemism for "screw that" or an equivalent phrase
- kuditza
- n [Farscape (television)]
- possibly libido or sexual organs, as in "Sikozu thinks with her head — not her kuditza," uttered by Rygel in the episode "We're So Screwed Part 1: Fetal Attraction"
- kung
- n [Return of the Jedi (film)]
- Huttese derogatory term: scum
- kvark
- interj [Star Wars: Ewoks (television, animated)]
- exclamation: Ewok equivalent of "Bah!"
- lackey
- n [Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov]
- epithet used by Trantorians
- laserbrain
- n [The Empire Strikes Back (film)]
- used disparagingly; an epithet used by Princess Leia against Han Solo
- leaping laser beams
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fi in the episode "Land of the Talking Plants"
- leaping laser beams
- interj [The Thrilling Adventure Hour: Captain Laserbeam (radio play podcast]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Captain Laserbeam
- leech
- n [Assignment Outer Space (film)]
- a useless crewman or passenger aboard a spaceship; used disparagingly
- loomas
- n [Farscape (television)]
- slang: breasts
- Lord Finagle
- interj [Ringworld by Larry Niven]
- used as an expletive or to express surprise
- lord of the flies
- interj [Fly Me to the Moon (film, animated)]
- exclamation; used in the expression "Oh, my lord of the flies!"; derived from Lord of the Flies, a novel by William Golding
- Lords of Kobol
- interj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- ancient rulers of the planet Kobol, the homeworld of humanity; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- Lords of Light
- interj [Thundarr the Barbarian (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Thundarr
- Lord Vimuhla's Sacred Flame
- n [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- possible euphemism for "Hell" or "Heaven" as in the phrase, "Where in Lord Vimuhla's Sacred Flame is the bastard?"
- lump
- n [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- all-purpose expletive used by Lumpy Space Princess; used in expressions such as "Get the lump outta here!" and "What the lump?"
- lumping
- adj/adv [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as an intensive by Lumpy Space Princess as in the phrase, "I lumping hate them!"
- lump off
- v [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- imprecation used by Lumpy Space Princess
- lurdo
- n [Star Wars: Ewoks (television, animated)]
- Ewokese derogatory term: dummy
- magra-fahrbot
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- very crazy
- malik
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- mama's milk
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; also used in the expression "Oh, my mama's milk!"; exclaimed by Cuber
- mank
- n [Farscape (television)]
- rubbish, debris
- meatbag
- n [Futurama (television, animated)]
- derogatory term: human; an epithet used by the robot Bender
- meat can
- n [Republic Commando: Triple Zero by Karen Traviss]
- slang: soldier
- meb
- [Saturday Night Live/Coneheads (television/film)]
- Conehead expletive
- menacing mutations
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- mep
- [Saturday Night Live/Coneheads (television/film)]
- Conehead expletive
- Merlin's beard
- interj [Harry Potter novels of J.K. Rowling]
- used to express surprise
- Merlin's pants
- interj [Harry Potter novels of J.K. Rowling]
- used as an expletive or to express surprise
- metal head
- n [She-Ra (television, animated)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a robot of Hordak in the episode "Return of the Sea Hawk"
- mibs
- [Saturday Night Live/Coneheads (television/film)]
- Conehead expletive
- mighty meteor
- interj [Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (television)]
- exclamation
- mik'ta
- [Stargate SG-1 (television)]
- used as an insult
- minions of Xendor
- interj [The Lando Calrissian Adventures by L. Neil Smith]
- followers of the first Dark Jedi; used as an expletive or to express surprise; commonly used by smugglers
- mips
- [Saturday Night Live/Coneheads (television/film)]
- Conehead expletive
- mivonks
- n [Farscape (television)]
- slang: testicles
- Mist Demons
- interj [Known Space stories of Larry Niven]
- used as an expletive or to express surprise
- Mitra
- n/interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- a god of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- modo
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- derogatory term (derived from combination of "modern" and "dodo"?)
- momo
- n [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- derogatory term
- monkey-boy
- n [The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (film)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a human Earthling
- moojpuck
- [The Approaching Storm by Alan Dean Foster]
- expletive
- moon rats
- interj [The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath, as in "Oh, moon rats!"; exclaimed by a Moon man
- moons of madness
- interj [Doctor Who episode "The Pirate Planet"]
- expletive
- mopak
- n [The Approaching Storm by Alan Dean Foster]
- excrement
- Moscow Rule Number Nine
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- exclamation referring to one of a number of alleged Cold War rules of espionage, in this case Moscow Rule #9: "Technology will always fail you."
- Moses-esus
- interj [The Brak Show (television, animated)]
- combination of "Moses" and "Jesus"
- moss licker
- n [Jane and the Dragon (television, animated)]
- mildly derogatory term
- mother
- n [Brave New World by Aldous Huxley]
- a term considered obscene
- mother
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- expletive exclaimed by the Ice King/Simon Petrikov
- motherfrak
- interj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- vulgar: expletive; contraction of "motherfrakker"
- motherfrakker
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- vulgar: derogatory term
- Mother of Gob
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; derived from the name of the four-headed deity Grob Gob Glob Grod
- mother of pearl
- interj [Get Smart (film)]
- exclamation
- mother of planting and payoff
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the name of a fiction-writing technique
- Mother of Science
- interj [Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World (television)]
- used to express surprise
- mradhe muck
- [Specter of the Past by Timothy Zahn]
- expletive
- Mudblood
- n [Harry Potter novels of J.K. Rowling]
- epithet used to denote one of mixed Wizarding and Muggle, or nonmagical, ancestry
- mudfoot
- n [Andromeda (television)]
- epithet used to denote a human who was born on Earth
- Muggle-lover
- n [Harry Potter novels of J.K. Rowling]
- one who is sympathetic to Muggles (nonmagical persons) or the Muggle-born; used disparagingly
- mutie
- n [X-Men (comic)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a mutant
- muto
- n [Doctor Who (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a mutant; from the episode "Genesis of the Daleks"
- mutt
- n [Doctor Who (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a mutant; applied to one who is undergoing a phase in the Solonian lifecycle; from the episode "The Mutants"
- mutual of Omaha
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the name of an insurance company that sponsored the television show, Wild Kingdom
- my Fins and Flippers
- interj [Mary Poppins Opens the Door by P.L. Travers]
- used to express exasperation; exclaimed by the Deep-Sea Salmon
- my little pony
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from [you guessed it] the My Little Pony line of toys
- mynock
- n [The Empire Strikes Back (film)]
- a parasitic creature; used disparagingly
- mynock muffins
- [Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka by L. Neil Smith]
- expletive; derived from the name of a parasitic creature
- nak-nok
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- nakky
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- Neptunian gnat
- n [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet]
- derogatory term
- nerfherder
- n [The Empire Strikes Back (film)]
- used disparagingly; an epithet used by Princess Leia against Han Solo
- Nergal
- interj [Level Up (television)]
- a god of ancient Babylonia; used as a mild oath; exclaimed by Angie
- [Spelling and definition are conjectured.]
- neuron
- n [Level Up (television)]
- used disparagingly; moron
- nimnul
- n [Mork & Mindy (television)]
- used disparagingly
- ninny hammer
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial
- norm
- n [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- epithet used by mutants to denote one who is "normal"
- noshabkeming
- n/interj [Lensmen novels of E.E. "Doc" Smith]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- nugget
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term: Viper pilot in training; raw Viper pilot recruit
- null unit
- n [Tron (film)]
- used disparagingly; possibly a derogatory term
- nurfer
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: loser
- oh, for crying out laser beams
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- variation of "oh, for crying out loud"; exclaimed by Fi in the episode "The Tiny Years"
- oh, my prophetic soul
- interj [Doctor Who (television)]
- exclaimed by the Doctor in the episode "The Horns of Nimon"
- oh, my User
- interj [Tron (film)]
- used as a mild oath by programs
- Orillian lung maggot
- n [Star Trek: Voyager (television)]
- a lifeform native to the Delta Quadrant; used disparagingly; uttered by Neelix in the episode "Fair Trade"
- peanuts
- interj [Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (film)]
- expletive (as in "Oh, peanuts!")
- peck
- i [Willow (film)]
- epithet
- peedunky
- n [Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (film)]
- Huttese derogatory term: punk
- pellish venker
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- pencil-neck
- n [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- epithet used by Fatties to denote one who is "normal"
- petaQ
- n [various Star Trek spin-offs (television)]
- Klingon derogatory term: fool
- pewnkah
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- photon
- n [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- general euphemism
- pinky
- n [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- epithet used by talking apes to denote one who is a human
- Pipefitters Local
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed upon the discovery of a pneumatic tube leading directly from Middleman HQ to O2STK
- planet's pain
- interj [Doctor Who (television)]
- used as a mild oath (as in "What the planet's pain...") in the episode "The Pirate Planet"
- pleebing
- adj/adv [Farscape (television)]
- used as an intensive; possibly akin to "bleeding"
- plok
- n [Farscape (television)]
- feces or rubbish
- podaka
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term
- pogees
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- expletive; used in the expression "...scare the pogees out of him."
- pointy-eared
- adj [Star Trek (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Vulcan
- poodoo
- n [Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (film)]
- feces
- powindah
- n [Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert]
- Tleilaxu derogatory term: outsider
- prawn
- n [District 9 (film)]
- usually derogatory nickname for the aliens in District 9
- probakto
- n [Farscape (television)]
- mild derogatory term
- protein sack
- n [Lexx (television)]
- derogatory term: human; an epithet used by the robot 790 against Stanley Tweedle
- prunt
- n [The Year of the City by Frederik Pohl]
- usually vulgar: combination of "prick" and "cunt"
- puckernuts
- interj [ElfQuest (comic)]
- expletive
- quaequam blag
- interj [2000 AD (comic)]
- used by the fictional editor, Tharg the Mighty, as an expletive or to express surprise
- quivering Venusian blubber cups
- interj [Galaxina (film)]
- expletive; exclaimed by Captain Cornelius Butt
- rattle my rocket reflexes
- interj (Rocky Jones, Space Ranger)]
- an expression comparable to "I'll be a monkey's uncle" or "I'll be gosh darned"
- recreate
- v [Farscape (television)]
- Peacekeeper term: to have casual sexual intercourse
- Regulan blood worm
- n [Star Trek (television)]
- an invertebrate parasite native to the Regulan system; used disparagingly; used by a Klingon in reference to humans in the episode "The Trouble with Tribbles"
- Ripley's Believe It or Not
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from Ripley's Believe It or Not, an illustrated newspaper article, series of books, and television show
- ripnitz
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- roaring rockets
- interj [Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (television)]
- exclamation
- rock
- n [Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Troll
- rutting
- v [Firefly (television)]
- used as an intensive
- sands of Zanzibar
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- sap
- n [The Tomorrow People (television)]
- abbreviation of Homo sapiens used by Tomorrow People to refer to humans who have not yet evolved to the stage where they can use psychic talents, this term is not intentionally disparaging, but is often interpreted as such
- sauce-tasting Brian-sniffer
- n [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- derogatory term; uttered by Finn
- scale face
- n [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Reptile Man
- Scav
- n [Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (film)]
- diminutive of "Scavenger"
- sclime
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- combination of "scum" and "slime"; uttered by Spectre in the episode "The Young Lords"
- scorch it
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- expletive
- scrote
- n [Back to the Future Part II (film)]
- usually vulgar: testicles
- sculag
- n [Legacy of the Force: Inferno by Troy Denning]
- Chiss derogatory term used to denote one who is weak-minded
- scut pango
- interj [The Pirates of Dark Water (television, animated)]
- expletive
- scuzzpuck
- n [Sinister & Dexter; 2000 AD (comic)]
- derogatory term
- semper frakking fi
- interj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- exclamation; derived from the motto of the United States Marine Corps, "Semper fidelis" (Latin for "Always faithful," often abbreviated "Semper fi")
- Set
- n/interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- a god of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; also a god of ancient Egypt
- shab
- n [Republic Commando: Order 66 by Karen Traviss]
- Mandalorian slang: excrement
- shades of Bacchus
- interj [What We Do in the Shadows (television)]
- used to express surprise; a reference to the Greek god of wine; exclaimed by Colin Robinson
- shaft ooze
- n [Cleopatra 2525 (television)]
- derogatory term applied to underground dwellers who are criminals
- shag
- n [Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (film)]
- Huttese derogatory term: slave
- shards
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- shazbot
- interj [Mork & Mindy (television)]
- expletive
- shavit
- n [Vision of the Future by Timothy Zahn]
- exrement
- shebs
- n [Republic Commando: Hard Contact by Karen Traviss]
- Mandalorian slang: buttocks
- shells
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- shifter
- n [Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Changeling
- shiitake mushrooms
- n/interj [Spy Kids (film)]
- expletive and obvious euphemism; usually spoken as "Shii...take mushrooms!"
- shirt
- n/v/interj [The Good Place (television)]
- mandatory euphemism for "shit"
- shivering insects
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- shivering spider illusions
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- shivering spider splits
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- shivering spider teeth
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- shliznat
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- shlock
- v [Farscape (television)]
- to excrete
- shmowzow
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- exclamation
- shol'vah
- n [Stargate SG-1 (television)]
- traitor
- shores of Tripoli
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from a line in "Semper Fidelis," a song by John Philip Sousa
- shrok
- interj [Babylon 5 (television)]
- Narn expletive
- shut the screen door
- interj [Level Up (television)]
- exclamatory imprecation similar in meaning to "Get out!" as used in Seinfeld
- sinister sea serpents
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- sizzling spider senses
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- sizzling spider springs
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- sizzling spider venom
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- sizzling super spiders
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- skev
- interj [Rogue Trooper; 2000 AD (comic)]
- exclamation
- skin job
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term: human duplicate Cylon
- skowng
- n [Avatar (film)]
- moron (in the Na'vi language)
- skrogg
- [Star Wars: Legacy (comic)]
- expletive
- skrogging
- [Star Wars: Legacy (comic)]
- expletive; used as an intensive
- skrot-bag
- n [Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (film)]
- derogatory term
- skrotter
- n [Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (film)]
- derogatory term
- skrotting
- [Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (film)]
- expletive; used as an intensive
- sleemo
- n [Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (film)]
- Huttese derogatory term
- slimy Sleestak
- interj [Land of the Lost (television)]
- used as a mild oath; used in the expression "Oh, slimy Sleestak!" as exclaimed by Holly in the episode "Black Out"; Sleestak: descendants of the Altrusians
- slippery spiders
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- slippery spider webs
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- slit
- n [The Shockwave Rider by John Brunner]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term for women
- slitch
- n [Friday by Robert A. Heinlein]
- combination of "slut" and "bitch"
- slittie
- n [The Shockwave Rider by John Brunner]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term for women
- slot
- n [stories of Spider Robinson]
- usually vulgar: alteration of "slut"
- smeg; smegged, smegging; smeggy; smeggier; smeggiest
- n/v/adj/interj [Red Dwarf (television)]
- usually vulgar: expletive and imprecation
- smegbrain
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term
- smeg-for-brains
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term
- smegger
- n [Red Dwarf television]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term
- smegging
- adj/adv [Red Dwarf (television)]
- usually vulgar: used as an intensive
- smegging hell
- interj [Red Dwarf (television)]
- usually vulgar: expletive
- smeghead
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term
- smeg off
- v [Red Dwarf (television)]
- usually vulgar: imprecation equivalent to "get out" or "scram"
- smegpot
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term
- smeg up
- n/v [Red Dwarf (television)]
- a mistake or the act of making one; blooper
- smoke off
- v [Babylon 5 (television)]
- imprecation (probably vulgar)
- smoke you
- v [The Fifth Element (film)]
- imprecation (probably vulgar)
- smoking H
- n/interj [Babylon 5 (television)]
- euphemism for "Hell"
- smoking rockets
- interj [Space Patrol (television)]
- used to express surprise
- smoldering ash heaps
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Yung-Star
- smugfunt
- n [Sinister & Dexter; 2000 AD (comic)]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term
- snakehead
- n [Babylon 5 (television)]
- epithet used by humans to denote one who is an alien
- snapping spider bites
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- snapping spider claws
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- snapping spider lines
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- snaps
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- expletive
- snarking dellot
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- sneck
- [Strontium Dog; 2000 AD (comic)]
- universal expletive
- snitrag
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- derogatory term; sometimes used in combination with "gol-monging" as in "Look, you gol-monging snitrag..." —Boomer (in the episode "Greetings from Earth")
- snot-knuckled letter-head
- n [The New Legends of Monkey (television)]
- epithet directed at a demon by the Monkey King
- socialator
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- prostitute
- son of a bacchai
- interj [Xena: Warrior Princess (television)]
- euphemism for "son of a bitch"
- son of a banshee
- interj [Lost Girl (television)]
- euphemism for "son of a bitch"; exclaimed by Vex
- son of a blaster
- n/interj [Star Wars universe]
- euphemism for "son of a gun"
- son of a bleeblah
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)
- expletive; exclaimed by Princess Bubblegum
- son of a calot
- n [Martian Tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- derogatory term; literally "son of a Barsoomian dog"
- son of a Chlen-turd
- n [Flamesong by M.A.R. Barker]
- usually vulgar: derogatory term; see Chlen-turd
- son of a clone
- interj [A.N.T. Farm (television)]
- expletive; exclaimed by Olive in the episode "MutANT Farm 2"
- son of a hamster
- interj [Get Smart (film)]
- euphemism for "son of a bitch"
- son of a hazmot
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- son of a monkey's uncle
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- euphemism for "son of a bitch"
- son of a nutcracker
- interj [Elf (film)]
- euphemism for "son of a bitch"; exclaimed by Buddy, the human raised by Christmas elves
- son of a Seska
- n [Blake's 7 (television)]
- euphemism for "son of a bitch"; uttered by Gunn Sar in the episode "Power"
- soyashit
- n [The Forever War by Joe Haldeman]
- expletive meaning "synthetic feces"
- space all around me
- interj [Space Patrol (television, marionettes)]
- used to express surprise or frustration
- space around us
- interj [Space Patrol (television, marionettes)]
- used to express surprise
- spacecrawler
- n [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet]
- derogatory term
- space fire and damnation
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- expletive; exclaimed by Dr. "Tiger" Ninestein
- spacefluff
- n [Quark (television)]
- something worthless or useless
- spacehead
- n [Quark (television)]
- derogatory term
- space race
- interj [Space Patrol (television, marionettes)]
- used to express surprise
- spaceslug
- n [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet]
- derogatory term
- space snake
- n [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- derogatory term, as in "Why you lowdown space snake!"
- space twit
- n (Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- derogatory term
- sparkling stardust
- interj (Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (television)]
- exclamation
- spidery space phenomena
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- spiraling space spiders
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- spiraling spider blunders
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- spoonhead
- n [Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Cardassian
- sprouting spider hair
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- spug
- n [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- derogatory term: punk
- spuggy
- [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- derogatory term
- spug off
- v [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- illegal imprecation
- squag
- n [Farscape (television)]
- Hell or its equivalent
- stak
- interj [Rogue Trooper; 2000 AD (comic)]
- exclamation
- stang
- interj [Splinter of the Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster]
- exclamation
- stiv
- v [Farscape (television)]
- to urinate
- stomm
- interj [Judge Dredd; 2000 AD (comic)]
- legally permitted expletive
- story of O
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from The Story of O, a novel
- stroke
- v [Babylon 5 (television)]
- usually vulgar: to copulate
- stroking
- adj/adv [Babylon 5 (television)]
- usually vulgar: used as an intensive
- suckhead
- n [The Middleman (television)]
- derogatory term: vampire; an epithet used by Wendy Watson
- suffering cybernetics
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Fi in the episode "Where Did Everybody Go?"
- suffering sensatron
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Fum
- suffering Sinbad
- interj [Lidsville (television)]
- used as a mild oath or express surprise; exclaimed by Weenie the Genie
- suffering snapdragons
- inter [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Chloro Phil in the episode "Land of the Talking Plants"
- suffering space cats
- interj [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- used as a mild oath or to express suprise
- suffering spaceships
- interj [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- suffering spaceships
- interj [The Tomorrow People (television)]
- expletive; exclaimed by The Mama in the episode "A Man for Emily"
- suffering spider changes
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- suffering spider images
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- suffering spider sleep
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- suffering spider threads
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- suffering spider webs
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- Swampie
- n [Doctor Who (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a native inhabitant of Delta Magna or Delta Three in the episode "The Power of Kroll"
- sweet Gregor Mendel
- interj [Land of the Lost (film)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the name of Austrian botanist Gregor Johann Mendel
- sweet Molly Brown
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the song, "Sweet Molly Brown"
- sweet mother of Artemis
- interj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- sweet mother of Nolan Bushnell
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; derived from the name of Nolan Bushnell, inventor of Pong and founder of Atari, Inc. and the Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Time Theatre chain; exclaimed by Wendy Watson
- sweet mother of Preston Tucker
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise; derived from the name of American automobile designer Preston Tucker
- swutting
- adj/adv [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- used as an intensive, as in "I just want to be swutting well rescued."
- tanj; tanjed; tanjing
- n/v/interj [Ringworld by Larry Niven]
- (There Ain't No Justice)
- expletive and imprecation
- tanjit
- interj [Ringworld by Larry Niven]
- expletive
- interj [The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein]
- (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)
- expletive
- Tao's blood
- interj (Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Gundar
- Tao's toenails
- interj [Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Ardo
- Tao's whiskers
- interj (Flash Gordon (comic)]
- a major god of Mongo; used as a mild oath or to express surprise; exclaimed by Gundar
- Tarim
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- expletive
- tarter sauce
- interj [Spongebob Squarepants (television, animated)]
- used as a mild oath
- ten thousand devils
- interj [The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (film)]
- expletive
- thaw
- n [Cleopatra 2525 (television)]
- derogatory term: a person who had been cryogenically frozen centuries ago and reawakened
- thoddo
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: stupid person
- through Fall, Fog, and Fire
- interj [Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey]
- used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- thundering storm clouds
- interj [Blackstar (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- thundering tarantulas
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- Thursday
- interj [Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (film)]
- expletive
- tin brain
- n [Doctor Who (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a robot; uttered in the serial "Robots of Death"
- tin can
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Cylon
- tin-headed
- adj [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Cylon
- tinked
- adj [Farscape (television)]
- crazy
- toaster
- n [Battlestar Galactica (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Cylon
- toaster
- n [The Middleman (television)]
- derogatory term: robot; an epithet used by Wendy Watson against the robot Ida
- toeska
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- Tomnoddy
- n [The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien]
- derogatory term; "...and Tomnoddy of course is insulting to anybody."
- toot
- n [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- one who is odd or foolish
- tootie
- n/adj [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes)]
- odd, foolish; one who is odd or foolish
- tralk
- n [Farscape (television)]
- whore
- trankass
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- Transylvania 6-5000
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- exclamation; derived from the film Transylvania 6-5000, which borrowed its title from the song "Pennsylvania 6-5000"
- trasnik
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: jerk
- trembling tarantulas
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- trembling time travelers
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- trezog
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term
- Tropic of Cancer
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- used to express surprise
- tumbling tarantulas
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- 21 Jump Street
- interj [The Tick (television)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by The Tick; derived from the title of an American television show
- twonk
- n [Red Dwarf (television)]
- derogatory term [etymology uncertain]
- über
- n [Andromeda (television)]
- epithet used to denote one who is a Nietzschean
- ulsio
- n [Martian Tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- a Barsoomian rat; used disparagingly
- Uncle Sam
- interj [Monarch of the Moon (film)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the name of one of the personifications of the United States of America; exclaimed by the Yellow Jacket
- unmutual
- adj [The Prisoner (television)]
- accusatory term: uncoöperative, antisocial, subversive; used of anyone in the Village who does not conform
- unprintable
- adj [Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov]
- expletive
- unprintably
- adv [Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov]
- expletive
- Ursa Minor
- interj [Pinocchio in Outer Space (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; derived from the constellation also known as the Little Dipper
- vacuumhead
- n [Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (television)]
- derogatory term: stupid or mindless person
- veen
- [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- vengeful vampires
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- Venusian swamp lizard
- n [Tom Corbett, Space Cadet (television)]
- used disparagingly
- veruul
- n [Star Trek: The Next Generation (television)]
- Romulan expletive
- vibrating venom blasts
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- vigilar
- n [Farscape (television)]
- derogatory term: traitor
- vulky
- adj [Star Trek: Voyager (television)]
- derogatory term: uninteresting; derived from "Vulcan"
- walloping web strands
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- walloping web wonders
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- welnitz
- [Farscape (television)]
- expletive
- what in calories...
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief; exclaimed by Governor Girth in the episode "Fat Is Beautiful"
- what in Eternia...
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief, as in "What in Eternia is that?"
- what in haberdashery...
- interj [Lidsville (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief; exclaimed by Hoodoo
- what in Mercury...
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief; exclaimed by Argos 62 in the episode "Planet of Lookalikes"
- what in Saturn...
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief; exclaimed by Mr. Moo in the episode "Polka Dot Years"
- what in Seven Hells...
- interj [The New Legends of Monkey (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief
- what in space...
- interj [Space Patrol (television, marionettes)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief, as in "What in space is that?";
- also what in the name of space...
- what in space...
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief; exclaimed by Fum in the episode "Return to the Valley of the Chickaphants"
- what in space fire...
- interj [Terrahawks (television, puppets)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief
- what in the galaxy...
- interj [Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief
- what in the name of Neptune...
- interj [Rocket Robin Hood (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief
- what in the name of the ancients...
- interj [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief
- what in the name of the seven planets...
- interj [Lost in Space (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief; exclaimed by Dr. John Robinson in the episode "Treasure of the Lost Planet"
- what in the universe...
- interj [Fireball XL5 (television, marionettes); Starcrash (film)]
- interrogative phrase used to express disbelief, as in "What in the universe is that?"
- what the bing bong ping pong
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise; uttered by Finn
- what the croak
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise
- what the daffodil
- interj [The Lost Saucer (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise; uttered by Mulch in the episode "Land of the Talking Plants"
- what the fridge
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise; uttered by Princess Bubblegum
- what the jam
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise; uttered by Princess Bubblegum
- what the junk
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise; uttered by Lumpy Space Princess
- what the King Kong sing song
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise; uttered by Finn
- what the lump
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise; uttered by Lumpy Space Princess
- what the math
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise
- what the monkey
- interj [The Middleman (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise
- what the planet's pain
- interj [Doctor Who (television)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise or annoyance in the episode "The Pirate Planet"
- what the stuff
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise
- what the thing
- interj [Adventure Time (television, animated)]
- interrogative phrase used to express surprise
- withering web lines
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- wondrous web climbers
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- wondrous web weavers
- interj [Spider-Woman (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise; exclaimed by Spider-Woman
- wonker
- n [Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett]
- alteration of "wanker"
- wowsers
- interj [Inspector Gadget (television, animated)]
- used to express surprise
- yarbles
- n [A Clockork Orange by Anthony Burgess]
- Nadsat term: testicles
- yarbo
- n [Farscape (television)]
- used disparagingly
- Ymir
- interj [Conan stories of Robert E. Howard]
- a god of Hyboria; used as a mild oath or to express surprise
- yotz
- n/interj [Farscape (television)]
- universal expletive; also used in phrases such as "You're full of yotz." —Rygel
- zangblats
- interj [Farscape (television)]
- used as a mild oath
- zark
- [Farscape (television)]
- expletive and imprecation
- zark
- [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- expletive
- zarking
- [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- used as an intensive
- zarking fardwarks
- [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- expletive
- zarking photon
- [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams]
- expletive
- zobber
- n [Hyperdrive (television)]
- epithet used to denote an extra-terrestrial
Compiled by Gordon A. Cooper.